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BookingNinja Global Changelog - Legacy
BookingNinja Global Changelog - Legacy

All updates, as they happen.

Rob Clarke avatar
Written by Rob Clarke
Updated over a week ago

Hey Hey! This log covers updates through to December 2024 but we've now moved our updates onto our main blog.

December 3rd:


Further improvements and tweaks to pre-orders to allow for customer notes to be printed, modifiers not showing titles, pre-order print cut off and various other bits to make the pre-order system more robust in time for christmas.

A new custom theme system that allows you to more fully configure the colours on your booking form without needed to learn CSS.

Coupons can now have a redemption time as well as a time frame to be used in, making them a lot more customisable and useful for running special offers.

We have a new main website!

Fixed 🔧

🔧 You can now properly revoke Stripe accounts, and add a new one

🔧 Clicking re-yield from the actions menu no longer causes an error on certain venue setups

November 26th:


Major email system improvements have been made across the site to improve the speed and delivery rate of all emails, automated and requested

Preorders are now printable - with multiple options for printing for a variety of different uses

"Save & Notify" is now available when you edit a booking, allowing you to resend an email to the customer if you make a change

Sessions Beta page improvements based on feedback, including the ability to see availability on sessions only available in custom time periods

Special opening times now allow you to edit the dates, as well as showing the year, which is helpful as we move across to a different year

Fixed 🔧

🔧 Events no longer show once you are through to the booking page of a particular session, making the booking process both significantly faster and easier for customers

🔧 Customer emails had lost thier layouts in gmail, but now work properly again

🔧 Coupon Limit to session on now correctly picks from all available sessions

🔧 Product and Product Categories can now be properly deleted

🔧 Guest types re-ordering was not allow you to actually drag the different types

🔧 The "Return to Today" button now shows up even when you've been automatically moved to the next day with bookings

🔧 Session page now has a box to customize payment page information. This also fixes the problem of cloning pages that had it before and not being able to edit it.

🔧 Suggestions / Feature page was throwing an error. Here's a suggestion: It's now fixed! More of a statement, I guess.

🔧 Product Categories now show properly when added a new product, rather than using white on white text

🔧 Solved a rare occasion where the cancel screen would show up as white box rather than actual menu

🔧Add / edit booking session selection no longer sometimes reverts to a previous select when editing a booking

🔧 Logos are now working across the site and emails

🔧Fixed visual bug on guest type limits that allowed some users to select more guest types than the max (leading to a booking error later in the page)

November 7th:


New session page design that updates the main page to the new format, but also adds some more information about each session at a glance.

Fixed 🔧

🔧 Preorders no longer show display order on the Gantt view
🔧 Preorders now allow customers to pick a different choice if they added and removed something but the category had a limit of 1

🔧 Preorders are now showing correct tallies again (Individual numbers were correct but tallies on some orders were showing as 1x even when there was more)

🔧 Preorders no longer vanish from Gantt or list view if you change the guest amounts

🔧 Refunds now show up as red and strikethrough on both views. Previously they were just showing as grey which wasn't clear enough.

November 6th:


  • Major backend tweaks to speed and display performance, especially noticeable on older laptops and phones.

  • Discount coupons can now have a maximum use, both in total amount and per unique user.

  • Discount coupon usage displays in the backend, showing the value used and remaining payments.

  • Booking history now provides much more information, including admin-created booking times, edits, coupon use, and more.

  • Spotlight search (Ctrl+K) is now faster and covers more settings.

  • Help center is now always linked directly on the nav bar.

  • Debug setting option is back in main settings (and is searchable!).

  • Public pre-orders form has been updated for faster performance and better mobile responsiveness.

  • Pre-order forms remain visible to customers even after they have been locked. They can be viewed, but not edited.

  • End time now included in emails when you have show end time enabled in the visual settings, this now reflects in the outbound email also.

Fixed 🔧

  • 🔧 Global venue lists now correctly respect guest type factors in all cases.

  • 🔧 Free accounts now display your percentage progress toward booking limits.

  • 🔧 Session descriptions and other elements no longer incorrectly double-space on public forms.

  • 🔧 Session settings boxes now correctly save their open/closed state.

  • 🔧 Emails now display basic guest info horizontally instead of vertically.

  • 🔧 Coupon dates now save correctly.

  • 🔧 Nav bar icons display properly again on the Gantt view instead of being cut off.

  • 🔧 If no internal session name is set, the external name is used rather than leaving it blank.

November 4th:


Added: Preorders can now have a display priority for each category, allowing you to change the order they display on the backend

Added: Look & Feel settings has been updated not the new format and re-added to the settings page

Added: Customer notifications and venue notifications have been split and updated to the new format

Fixed 🔧

Fixed: Pre-orders are now correctly showing on the Gantt view

Removed 🚨

Removed: Some unused / unsupported settings, like branding removal, from the look and feel page

October 31st:

Added: You can now see if guest types count towards limits from the main guest type page rather than jumping into each one

Added: You can now disable the intercom chat so people with larger fonts or smaller screens can access UI properly

Added: If you try to select guest types in sessions without enabling the guest types features, we now notify you that they won't work

Fixed: A problem that was causing either slight under or slight overbooking on venues using factored guest types where the final booking before capacity was not always respecting the total capacity limits.

Fixed: The setup now wizard now functions properly with the new UI

Fixed: Customer Pre-order menus now longer incorrectly blur the screen on some browsers when picking extras

October 29th:

  • Added: Double the resources our main server uses to aid in overall sitewide performance

  • Added: We now run a standby node which is effectively a clone of the main database ready to jump in immediately in the event of any hardware failures at the host level

  • Fixed: Marketing link in nav bar now goes through to the correct page

  • Fixed: Moving bookings on the Gantt view now correctly changes the time of the booking It was already doing so, but it wasn't showing the update on the view itself.

  • Fixed: UI now looks correct on the Guest Types page

  • Fixed: Copy to clipboard buttons now work correctly

October 25th 2024: Settings Overhaul Update

This is the second of our major updates for the Q4 season, bringing in multiple customer requests, fixes and re-organising the backend settings to be clearer and simpler. There are few pages left to move over to the new system, which you can find here.

Settings Overhaul

  • Added: New settings page that brings the backend of BookingNinja into the newer design and simplifies the UI.

  • Added: New settings search that can search not only main settings page but also individual fields making it easier to find the setting you need.

Session Categories and Colours

  • Added: Session Categories, which allow you to replace the text back "pre booking message" with a visual menu designed for events-focused businesses like softplays.

  • Added: Session Colours, which will change the colours of the session in both views, making it easier to see at a glance which session is which.

Other Additions

  • Added: You can now set add-ons to be required, both at least one per booking, and at least one per guest.

  • Added: You can now add "free" add-ons

  • Added: Guest types now appear customer and notification emails by default if the sessions uses them.

  • Added: The Gantt view now gets rendered server side. This means more gets computed in the cloud making it faster on very low end devices.

  • Added: Sessions can now set to allow same in-progress bookings as well as

  • Added: Sessions now sort between inactive and active when making a new booking

  • Added: Session Descriptions will now appear at the point of booking if you use "Show all slots and sessions at once"

  • Added: Sessions are now collapsible on the public form if you use "Show all slots and sessions at once"

  • Added: A proper editor for the pre-booking message.

  • Added: Stripe connect page now shows more details about the connected accounts and will ask for confirmation to revoke access.

  • Added: Customer feedback page now allows you to add booking details to URLs, allowing for third party tracking

  • Added: Customer feedback page now allows setting a URL to send negative feedback too, rather than only sending them to BookingNinja

  • Added: Restrict bookings can now check codes from a URL

  • Added: Option for restricted bookings with a correct code to skip payment

  • Added: We'll now warn you if you try to set a full closure on a day you have an event and you haven't already ticked to allow events.

  • Added: A button on the closure page to remove all old/expired closures which makes the page faster and cleaner.

  • Added: Required / Optional fields now have thier own separate settings page, rather than appearing only in custom fields, which didn't make much sense.

  • Added: TikTok social links and properly cleaned and separated this system out from stores

  • Added: If a data export fails now, we'll retry it without customers needing to do so manually.

  • Added: Prebooking messages now require a title when enabled.

  • Added: When making a change on certain important forms, these forms will animate to make this as clear as possible.


  • Fixed: Hopefully fixed a rare issue where customers were being sent back to the start of form during the final stage, or when entering card details, due to a time out.

  • Fixed: Gantt now has larger, clearer top time bar

  • Fixed: Gantt icons now have colours back, making them easier to identify quickly

  • Fixed: Session and event pages no longer have settings that didn't save unless you saver other settings (For example, the background image)

  • Fixed: Custom deposits on sessions and event pages no longer

  • Fixed: Custom fields no longer sometimes disappear from add new booking page when you put in other guest details.

  • Fixed: "Back to today" button is now always in the same place on list view, so it doesn't shift around the other icons

  • Fixed: Notes now appear correctly on the list view on both desktop and mobile

  • Fixed: We no longer show "Upcoming events" events in your calendar even if you have no events

  • Fixed: The internal note box now properly expands in the add new booking section

  • Fixed: Adding a booking internally should now always use the correct length of the session you set it to.

  • Fixed: Batch adding tables correctly sets tables as disabled access or not rather than setting them all as enabled

  • Fixed: Adding new tables will now automatically name sequentially rather than calling every new table, "table 1"

  • Fixed: Stripe connect page incorrectly informing subscribed accounts about our free accounts fees (Just the wrong info -- no accounts were incorrectly charged).

  • Fixed: Opening times now can't duplicate times from themselves

  • Fixed: Deleting an opening time you are currently editing will no longer cause a 500 error

  • Fixed: Adding and removing booking tags no longer triggers a 500 error in some situations

  • Fixed: Global custom fields no longer use local ("This session") language

  • Fixed: Global custom fields are now reliably saving via the settings menu

  • Fixed: Exporting bookings now correctly exports table numbers and session names as well as a few other fields that were occasionally appearing blank.

  • Fixed: Add-on cost field now formats properly as a currency rather than text

  • Fixed: The new full page header now correctly works on mobile

  • Fixed: Add-on category descriptions will now correctly show on public booking forms.


  • Removed: Localisation for the backend. Why: Nobody was using this, and it hasn't been updated in a long time.

  • Removed: Custom HTML on prebooking messages. Why: This was causing too many potential security problems and very few venues were using it.

  • Removed: Simulator. Why: This wasn't used or working correctly

  • Removed: Due Refund. Why: This was a fix for an older problem no longer affected any venues

  • Removed: Public listings. Why: We no longer have a public listing page so this was an old bit of the site that had no use at all.

  • Removed: Facebook chat code from social links. Why: It no longer exists

  • Removed: Enable Debug mode from limits page. Why: This didn't do anything, and was not the same as the new/working debug mode.

  • Removed: "Disable Letsbook for login" Why: This is an old system no longer used.

  • Removed: Lots of old (?) buttons that went to dead help files. We're working on new ones!

October 15th 2024

  • Added: Same day booking timed cut off for sessions / events

  • Added: New payments page to main menu

  • Fixed: Pre-orders choices can now be removed by customers on booking form

  • Fixed: Add new booking page no longer 'remembers' its position or old data choices

  • Fixed: Pre-order stats page not showing

October 13th 2024

  • Added: New refund menu to manual bookings to replace the old system, increase speed and reduce errors

  • Added: The same menu is now also in cancel booking screen

  • Added: The "No bookings" dog now also appears on the new list view, rather than an empty page

  • Fixed: No shows can now correctly be charged again, without going into Stripe

  • Fixed: Cloning events and session now use a different URL solving a variety of issues

  • Fixed: The Booking Ninja icon on mobile has been removed as it did nothing and took up valuable space

  • Fixed: December now appears with the right days/dates on the public form. This was a visual problem and did not affect bookings.

  • Fixed: A situation where we would ask for guest numbers twice for certain event setups

  • Fixed: Payment details now update on "Add Booking Page" automatically

  • Fixed: Guest type limits no longer act incorrectly when factored and unfactored guests are combined

  • Fixed: Broken images and links on the customer page (It's still not great on mobile yet)

  • Fixed: You can now delete floors and tables during setup

  • Fixed: Error when trying to add opening times without a session

  • Fixed: Addons now always get removed when you turn them off, rather than hanging around on the booking form

  • Fixed: New accounts not being able to create new stores

  • Fixed: Print settings page now uses the new design with radical new design philosophies like the toggles being the right way around

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